My Dear Sweet Child,
There are so many things that race across my mind throughout the day, but most of them revolve around you. I can't wait until you are here so that your daddy and I can teach you about this amazing, crazy, scary, and wonderful world that we live in. I can't express how much I look forward to laughing with you, and crying with you, and comforting you when your tiny heart is aching from the trials of this world. I know that there will be many things that you won't understand, and many things that even after we've explained them to you in the best way that we can, you may still struggle with, but know that I love you, and that your daddy loves you. Please understand that we can't wait to be your best friends, but that we'll also be your parents every time that we need to be. There will be times that you will struggle, and you won't know what decision is truly the best for you, but I KNOW that if you will take the time to counsel with your parents, and with your Father in Heaven, that you will come away from it with a decision that will truly benefit you in this life that you have been given.
I'm excited to tell you that you live in a time that needs your valiant attitude and the positive morals that we will try to instill in you. You are a spirit that was saved for these days because you are choice above many others. You will be far more intelligent than I have ever been, and you will be blessed for doing the right things.
We heard your heartbeat for the first time, and we both teared up because we were so happy. The day that we saw you on an ultrasound, we smiled for the rest of the day. I stared at your tiny little body for days on that black and white picture and marveled at the fact that I get to be your mommy. I looked at your precious little hands and feet in those photos, and wondered how we had made such an amazing little profile. You are coming to a family that is excited about you, and to parents and grandparents who love you. You have many aunts and uncles and cousins who can't wait for you to arrive, and we are all so very excited to see who you grow to become. I look forward to peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek. I know that we'll also play games around the table like "one more big bite," and "not until you eat your vegetables" after the days of vrooming airplanes and chugging trains have failed to get you to eat. I can't wait to run with you and tickle you, and watch daddy teach you to ride a bike. There are so many exciting things for you to do and learn in this world, and we are waiting to teach you and learn with you. Know that we love you and are waiting for you, but please take you time, and come to us healthy.
All of my love, Mommy.