The Simple Life

The Simple Life

Monday, March 27, 2017

World Conference Review 2017

This past week I had the opportunity to spend 5 days in sunny Orlando. This was a nice break from the cold rain that I came back to here in Utopia (Utah).

While I was there, I had the opportunity to lounge by the pool, take some personal development classes, some business development classes, and to share in the success of over 1150 women as they walked across the awards stage for their 2016 accomplishments.

Some of the things that stuck out to me most were that these were attainable goals. Nothing that these women did was out of reach for any of us. In fact, I found that I was much closer to walking that stage myself than I had originally thought.

Of course, that means that my goals are changing just a bit, and I WILL be walking stage next year! One way or another, I will get up there!

How am I going to do it? Of course, I'm simply going to follow the instructions that I got from the conference classes. I realized that slow and steady does indeed win the race.

I'm truly excited about being able to share the opportunity this business is affording me, and therefore, I'm going to share the top ten things that I will implement this year in order to be on that stage next year.

1. Stay in your own lane. I've heard this time and time again, in many different forms:
  • From my sponsor: Comparison is the thief of joy.
  • From my team mates: You do You.
  • From the fabulous Kacey Musgraves: Just ho​e your own row and raise your own babies,
    Smoke your own smoke and grow your own daisies, Mend your own fences and own your own crazy, Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy.
2. Set goals: Weekly, Monthly, Yearly! Holy Cow, it should have been obvious that there was more to it than just setting a goal for a year, right? Well, it didn't click until this last week. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! So for instance let's pick some round numbers to make the math simple. if my goal is $120K for the year 2017, then I can break that down into $10K monthly, and $2500 weekly. Now, if you just saw what I did to give me a little bit of a cushion, or comfort zone, then kudos to you. If you didn't, don't stress. I'm going to break it down in another post, but spoiler: there are a couple more weeks in the year than 48 (4 per month). So if I hit my weekly goals, I'm going to surpass my monthly and annual goals! Genius right? I can't take credit, but I will break it all down soon for those of you who work from home, because guess what? This isn't specific to my Pure Romance business.

3. Be consistent: I heard from multiple women about the secret to their success, and it was simply that they were consistent. "Consistency is key" they all said, and in listening to their various systems, they are right. Every single one of them did things differently, but when they found what works for them, they stuck with it. I've got some work to do now.

4. Just do it! It's a little cliché that I'm using the Nike slogan right? Well, why reinvent the wheel? Just do it! When I've got a task that I don't like coming up... Just do it. Get it over with, and then I'm done. Right?

5. Share with everyone. I am a firm believer that this business has something for everyone. Maybe you just need some time out of the house, maybe you need some extra cash, maybe you need to know that you aren't alone in the struggles you face with your spouse. Maybe you just need to make some new friends, and maybe you just want a discount on the products that you know and love. This business has it all. I know that you can get these things from other businesses too, but where can you INSTANTLY bond over this kind of thing? I mean I do talk to women on a daily basis about the most personal aspect of their lives; their intimate relationship with their spouse.

When I was given the perspective of being selfish for not sharing the opportunity with the women in my life, it was a game changer. So if I offer the opportunity to you, Don't hate me,  Don't think that I see you in terms of money. Just realize that I see what this opportunity can do for you, and I want you to be able to have what I now have: sisterhood, confidence in so many aspects of my life, and yes, a little extra cash in the bank.

6. Stay a student: This is HUGE for me! I've always loved to learn new things, but in the last 5 or so years, I've stepped away from it because there were so many other things going on. Kids, work, college, my military career. There are plenty of things that have gotten in the way and I have used as an excuse to quit learning. Wake up 15-20 minutes earlier, stay up a few minutes later, Read a book, listen to audible while you work out, or listen to TED talks while you are driving. I can't tell you the differences that this is making for me, even in the past few days. My outlook has changed simply by taking a little time for myself.

7. Prioritize: This seems like it falls in line with everything else right? I had no idea how bad I was at prioritizing. I let my business run me, and I got nowhere, so here's my new priority list. I'm pretty excited about it. Top 5 priorities:
  • My husband
  • My kids
  • Myself
  • My Friends
  • My business
That seem like a crazy thing to do right? Put my business last? I was sitting in one of my classes listening to someone talk about priorities, and I realized that I don't have to let my business run my life in order for it to work. The one thing that everyone seemed to have that I didn't was balance and priority. They all put other things first. So this year, yes we're 3 months in, but I'm DONE letting my business run me. I'm taking control, and I hope that this will reach someone else who will also take control of their business life.

8. Get out of debt. How is this going to help me earn more money? It seems like it should be an end goal for what to do with my money rather than how to earn more, right? Well, another A-ha moment that I had while sitting in one of these courses was about getting out of debt. By getting out of debt, I will no longer have to pay interest, and that will quickly save me money, and put a lot more in my pocket right? Genius! I'm not going way in depth here either because this post is already longer than I initially thought, BUT I will post about my plan for getting out of debt very soon!

9. Perspective is everything. This last little bit comes from our two final speakers: Hal Elrod, and Mel Robbins. Hal gave us the 5 minute rule. You can be angry or hurt or upset, for five minutes, but you set a timer and at the end of it, you say, "can't change it," and you move on. Then you choose to be the happiest version of yourself with the given circumstances. You can be pissed of or blissed out, but the situation isn't going to change, so just choose to be happy and move on. And right on Hal's heels, we heard from Mel, who gave us the 5 second rule (and not the one about food that falls on the floor) you simply count down 5-4-3-2-1-Go! and you do it... no matter what the task, no matter the anxiety that it causes you. Try it next time you feel anxious. 5-4-3-2-1-Go, and it's not nearly as bad. In fact I hate flying, and I used this during takeoff. I enjoyed that flight. It was fantastic!

10. Everyone's journey is different. Some will do this faster than others, and maybe you won't take off as quickly as you want to. I know two very successful women in this business (I know more than that, but I'm using these two as an example) One of them just won Rookie of the year. She is one of the top levels in our company, and did over $120k last year and her team did much more. And on the other hand, you have the other, who built and rebuilt her team multiple times, and after 9 years, is number one in the world for team building. This was no small task. She changed the lives of 81 women last year. So it just goes to show, that me and my four women sponsored, and $10k in my pocket can do big things. We just all do it differently!

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